QuickTricks Bridge Club offers duplicate bridge games and lessons to the general public and is associated with the American Contract Bridge League (ACBL)(ACBL Club No. 235408). We are located at 110 Diamond Street, between 18th and 19th Streets, in the Most Holy Redeemer Church, in the Castro / Eureka Valley neighborhood of San Francisco, California.

The Club's regular in-person schedule offers three separate games, an open pairs game, an intermediate/novice (499er) pairs game, and a beginner game (0-10 MP).   All games are at 6:45 p.m. on Mondays. The Club participates in most ACBL-sponsored special events, and usually holds team events on the last Monday of the month. If you need a partner or teammate, we will make our best efforts to find you one. Please contact our Partnership Chair Anant Rathi at [email protected]. Please check the schedule and bridge lessons links on the home page for current information on games and classes.  The Club observes the ACBL Zero Tolerance policy. The Club generally does not allow players to use Mid Chart conventions, but will allow exceptions on case by case basis in the open game only. Contact the Club Manager to request an exception. The currently approved conventions are transfer responses to 1 minor openings and cross responses to 1 H openings.

The Club's Board of Directors, comprised of three members, is elected to a two-year term expiring at the end of September of even years. The Club Manager is appointed by the Board and is in charge of general administration and operations. The Club supplies an ACBL- certified director for every game. In keeping with the Club's status as a member-owned and operated organization, Club members routinely volunteer to help in various ways.

The Club has been operating for over 45 years. Tadd Waggoner founded QuickTricks in 1978 to provide games primarily for the City's gay community. The first location was at a Gay Pride Center at 330 Grove Street (near City Hall). The contingent wanting duplicate bridge grew large enough to make it worthwhile to form a bridge club associated with the ACBL. The initial officers were Tadd Waggoner (President), Charlie Peer (VP), Mark Sundelin (Secretary), and William Landis (Treasurer). Jim Leuker and Tadd Waggoner offered lessons. The Club moved to the Castro early on. Tadd Waggoner eventually assumed full control. QuickTricks has always welcomed all comers and was a success.

In the 1980s the Club was popular with people with AIDS who wanted both society and an opportunity to keep their minds sharp. During this time, the Club unfortunately lost many of its members, including its founder (1993). The Club continues to honor its founder with its annual Tadd Waggoner Memorial dinner and game, and dedicated in Tadd's memory a brick in the "Yellow Brick Road" of LGBT history at the club's former location, the Metropolitan Community Church at 150 Eureka St.

After a brief interregnum, the Club assumed its current bylaws and form in October 1994. Richard Bellerose, David Budd, and Eric Groves (Treasurer) served on the first Board of Directors. David Budd served as the first Club Manager for eight years. Dianne Barton-Paine, a leading ACBL director, became the lead game director.

Ashish Gupta, Susan Ledford, and Rick Rogers comprise the current Board of Directors. Kim Fanady has served as Club Manager since 2002. Will Watson is the Club's lead game director. Since 2004, the Club has offered lessons to beginning bridge players.

QuickTricks management and players come from the community at large. All are welcome; we require only an interest in bridge and a friendly and cordial attitude toward your fellow players. We invite everyone to visit us!

The current Board of Directors is: 
Ashish Gupta, Susan Ledford, and Rick Rogers
Terms end in September, 2024

The current club manager is:

Kim Fanady (E-mail) or 415-824-6848

© Copyright Quicktricks.org