QuickTricks expects to offer Part I of its beginner lesson series again in September 2025.
QuickTricks is very pleased to announce that it will offer Part II of its beginner lesson series in January 2025. The 10 session series will be held Monday evenings, 6-8 PM, at Most Holy Redeemer Church, Ellard Hall, 110 Diamond St. @ 18th St. in the Castro. The class starts on January 6 and continues through March 24, except MLK Day, January 20, and Presidents' Day, February 17, when the club will be closed. The graduation game and party will be held on March 31. The series cost will be $150, payable in full at the second session on January 13.
Each class will start with a short lecture followed by supervised play. Our instructor is Bob Schwab, an American Contract Bridge League Gold Life Master and professor emeritus at the University of Maryland, with decades of bridge experience and teaching experience, assisted by Anne Derbes, an American Contract Bridge League Gold Life Master and a retired professor, and Andy Straus, an American Contract Bridge League Gold Life Master. All three are longtime members of QuickTricks.
This class is suitable for people who have completed Part I or have previous bridge experience. It is not suitable for complete beginners who have never played bridge. If you are not sure whether the class will be right for you, please contact us.
You do not need a partner to join the class; singles will be matched up. All materials will be supplied.
Please join us for a fun, interactive way to learn the greatest card game in the world!
PRE-REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED. Registration will begin on November 18, 2024. Current students are given priority; new students are accepted on a first come first served basis. To register, email QuickTricks club manager Kim Fanady at [email protected]. Space is limited. The class is very popular and will fill up quickly, so sign up early!
COVID protocols: Masks are encouraged, not required; except if someone asks you to wear a mask at their table, you are expected to comply.
The current class website is here: